Renewing worship is not merely a “blended” service, though it may look similar in many ways. Epworth’s renewing worship service was built from the ground up, with the goal of taking what is best about a fully liturgical, sacramental service, and a modern contemporary service. Every element of the service is there because it serves a purpose, not because it’s “traditional” or because it’s popular these days.
We have retained the overall movement of the liturgical service, beginning with gathering, continuing with the service of the word, followed by the service of the table, and ending with the sending. The liturgical calendar is also followed, though perhaps in a more relaxed way. The songs, both hymns and praise music, are intended to reinforce what is happening in that part of the service, just as they do in a liturgical service.
The renewing worship service is quite different from Epworth’s typical “fully liturgical” service, however. Obviously, since the service takes place in the new parish hall, there is no organ. Nor are there hymnals. That has forced us to try something new. We use piano and guitar as accompanying instruments. As Robert Webber describes a liturgical service, it is very “word heavy”. That works for some people, but not everyone. We aim to tip the scales back a little with the renewing worship service. For one thing, the only words printed in the folder are ones the people are expected to say or respond to. If someone wants to follow along with a scripture reading, they are invited to take one of our bibles when they walk in. The hope is that not having all the words printed in front of them may help some people to enter into worship more fully; being present in the moment.
We also make time for extemporaneous prayer in the renewing worship, meaning not all prayers are scripted. We also allow time for silent individual prayer. We also hope that congregants won’t feel stifled, if they want to raise hands while singing.
The goal in all this is to reach those who simply don’t feel drawn to the liturgical service. One style of worship can’t please everyone. Renewing worship can’t either, but adding that to Epworth’s worship offerings is certainly a step in the right direction.