Sundays: 10:00 a.m. Word & Table Service
Four scripture portions are read aloud and provide the basis for the sermon of the day. Prayers are adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, and the people may add their own unscripted intercessions and thanksgivings. The people sing hymns with solid theological content and musical quality, especially (but not only) from Wesleyan and Anglican experience.
The sermon and Holy Communion integrate and apply the Wesleyan-Anglican theological emphasis upon Christ’s readiness not only to forgive but also to nurture and change. All of this is done in a way that is easy to follow the first time one attends, without prior knowledge or experience.
Afterward, “Afterword”: Refreshments are served, and then the pastor leads a discussion of the service just concluded, including as experienced in the scripture readings, sermon, hymns, prayers, and Holy Communion. People may participate in the discussion as they wish, or merely listen.

Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayers
This prayer service, which usually takes about 20 minutes, consists of prayers which are based on and adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, Family Prayers by William Wilberforce, Esq., and Jonathan M. Wainwright’s Short Family Prayers for Every Morning and Evening of the Week, and for Particular Occasions. The people may add their own unscripted intercessions and thanksgivings. This service brings peaceful, quiet closure to the day.
Immediately following the liturgical portion of the prayer service, those who want to go are dismissed, and anyone wishing to stay for healing prayer and anointing with oil is encouraged to come to the altar railing. This way we can spend as much time in prayer as needed, and people are encouraged to return for prayer every week if necessary, because most healings do not take place after a single prayer session. Those wanting healing prayer are also encouraged to bring friends and family, because the more people praying for healing, the better.