
Did you miss Michaelmas this year? Haven’t even heard of Michaelmas? Well, you’re not alone. It’s a Christian celebration in Britain, with quite a few non-religious traditions added over time; sort of like Christmas and Easter. To learn what you missed, go to: https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/Michaelmas/

Community & Forgiveness

I’m going to hurt you. Not intentionally, mind you, but through my carelessness and imperfect words or actions, at some point you will likely feel hurt by me. And you will almost certainly hurt me. This is a fact of life together in a sinful world. It doesn’t matter if we are biological family, family…

Conspiracy Theories and the Church

Let’s be honest. We all get things wrong some times. The more firmly we believe something is true, the harder it is to let go, even if we learn it is false. We are also typically quite busy, and intellectually lazy, meaning we prefer not to spend too much mental energy evaluating ideas—we go with…

True Modesty

We live in a culture that says attention equals power. This power is a scarce resource for which we must compete. Welcome to the world of social media, where anyone can post content or curate a self-image for the world’s purview. It’s one thing to seek attention online, but it doesn’t stop there. Attention-getting has…


July is a time when we celebrate our freedom in America. For those of a more reflective bent, it could raise some questions, such as, Are we really free? How could we be more free? And even, What is freedom? By starting with the last question first, it will enlighten the others. Many might assume…

The Theology of COVID

Christians often quote scripture to give their decisions a sort of godly approval. While there is nothing inherently wrong in this, we must be very cautious, when it is so easy to accidentally misuse Scripture. When that happens, one is misinterpreting God’s word to support what they want to do, when he or she would…

A Lament for America

I lament that we fear those who look different from us. I lament that African-American mothers fear for the safety of their children. I lament the historic and pervasive mistreatment of people of color by the police. I lament that we are here again. I lament that we so completely fail to love our neighbors…

Memorial Day

Starting shortly after the Civil War, Memorial Day has been a day to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. We just observed Memorial Day 2020 on Monday, May 25th. While many families set some time aside on Memorial Day to visit the graves of loved ones, there is…

What We Shed

Dogs shed hair. It’s a fact of life. They can’t help it. Much to the dismay of allergy sufferers, plants and trees shed pollen—especially this time of year. People shed too. What we shed, however, is the question. In this time of staying at home due to COVID-19, we may think of shedding disease. Everywhere…

The Great Triduum Approaches

While many churches recognize Good Friday and Maundy Thursday, an ancient tradition dating back to the early Church has been largely lost. That is, “The Great Three Days”. The Great Three Days are the holiest of times in the Christian calendar and could even be considered the point from which the rest of the year…