Kindness is Courageous

In an age where cruelty is common, kindness is courageous. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). We live in a time when our culture is moving away from kindness. “Owning the libs” is something many on the right want to do, regardless of whether or…

Liturgy is for Every Season of Life

I don’t have to tell you that in life we go through all kinds of seasons; seasons of preparing, seasons of celebration, seasons of difficulty, and seasons of sadness. If we experience such variety in life, why shouldn’t our worship experiences acknowledge and provide language for each of these?  The typical worship experience in America…

Voting Saints

Another election is upon us, and it feels like all Hades has broken loose. Some people, even Christians, seem like they are near panic. And it’s no wonder, when the rhetoric on both sides is essentially making the case that our democracy is over if the other side wins. I suggest we take a deep…

Did God Intervene to Save Trump’s Life?

Did God Intervene to Save Trump’s Life? This is not a political question, but a theological one. And if you are looking for solid answers, this short article will disappoint. All I can do is raise more questions to help you draw your own conclusions. Those who speak with certainty here are acting foolishly (or…

What is Open Communion At Epworth?

What is Open Communion At Epworth? In an effort to determine who can receive communion, we have several sources to consider. First, of course, is scripture. Next (in my opinion) is the Church fathers and Church tradition. After that we can look at the founder of the Wesleyan movement, John Wesley, as well as others…

Spiritual Healing Offered at Epworth

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND   Epworth Chapel has a long history of praying for healing. Truly miraculous healings have even occurred for some people after receiving prayer. Of course, Jesus healed many people during His earthly ministry. So did the disciples. Miraculous healings occur regularly around the world to this day.…

The Goodness of Creation

In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, I want to talk about Creation. Creation was good. We find a declaration of goodness at the end of each day of creation, with the strange exception of day two, after separating the waters above and below the firmament. However, the work of day six was declared…

Easter Answers

What does Easter mean? In most countries, the name for Easter is derived from the Aramaic word for Passover, because the Jewish Passover festival was celebrated at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In French it is Paques; in Spanish, Pascua, and in Italian, Pasqua. Though there are competing theories, it is now widely believed that the…