
The United States was founded in the name of freedom, but do we really understand freedom? Freedom is typically understood as being exempt from external control or restraint. If only it were that simple! In his sermon on January 31st, Pastor Brook Thelander said, “freedom comes through the community of faith.” Rousseau and the other…

Does Truth Matter?

My boys love to call each other out by loudly declaring, “lying!” Truth is very important to them, though of course, it often tends to be their version of the “truth” that serves their benefit. From a biological standpoint, this makes perfect sense. Aren’t we supposed to engage in behaviors that benefit us, like getting…

The True Meaning of Christmas

My family has the tradition of breaking out our collection of Christmas DVDs after every Thanksgiving. These range from classics such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and A Christmas Story, to more recent “classics” such as The Muppet Christmas Carol, Elf and Arthur Christmas. These are lots of fun and…


We are not good at waiting. In 21st Century America, we want all of it, and we want it now. And thanks to smart phones and credit cards, we have come to expect instant gratification more than ever. Some things are worth waiting for, however. The birth of our Savior is one of those things.…

Be The Light

Used with permission. The following was written by Amelia Cleveland-Traylor, Co-Superintendent of the Free Methodist Church River Conference, as part of the River Conference newsletter. There have been a couple of times in my life I have been in extreme darkness. In 1992, my husband and I were a part of tour group that hiked…

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

We are more isolated today than ever. No, I’m not referring to COVID. We were already isolated before the pandemic. It takes time and effort to resist the isolating trends in our society. Now COVID is likely to solidify habits of isolation. Resisting this trend is especially difficult for those of us who are introverts,…


Did you miss Michaelmas this year? Haven’t even heard of Michaelmas? Well, you’re not alone. It’s a Christian celebration in Britain, with quite a few non-religious traditions added over time; sort of like Christmas and Easter. To learn what you missed, go to:

Community & Forgiveness

I’m going to hurt you. Not intentionally, mind you, but through my carelessness and imperfect words or actions, at some point you will likely feel hurt by me. And you will almost certainly hurt me. This is a fact of life together in a sinful world. It doesn’t matter if we are biological family, family…

Conspiracy Theories and the Church

Let’s be honest. We all get things wrong some times. The more firmly we believe something is true, the harder it is to let go, even if we learn it is false. We are also typically quite busy, and intellectually lazy, meaning we prefer not to spend too much mental energy evaluating ideas—we go with…