Do the Old Testament Laws Apply Today?

We recite the Ten Commandments every Sunday at Epworth, so we clearly think they are important, but how do we apply them to our lives today? For example, do we keep the Sabbath holy in a different way today because part of Sabbath restrictions were cultural for Israel, or do we not keep the Sabbath…

Why We Preach from the Lectionary at Epworth

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA On occasion, some may wonder why the sermons at Epworth are always based on one (or more) of the assigned readings from the lectionary.  Why not let the Minister choose the texts for preaching?  Or why not preach sequentially through the Bible or various books…

A Christian Response to Pride Month

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA   Here we are at the end of Pride Month, which the Church as a whole largely ignores, but because it is something the rest of society acknowledges, it seems appropriate to address it here. Dealing with the issue of homosexuality in a biblically accurate…

What is a Christian Funeral All About?

Epworth recently laid to rest one of its faithful saints: Sally Reid. Her ashes were placed in the Epworth Memorial Garden, alongside the remains of others who have gone before us. They are the Church Victorious; we are the Church Militant. One day we will all be reunited. Occasions like this cannot help but raise…

May 24th, Aldersgate

The following was produced by Ask The UMC, a ministry of United Methodist Communications: Aldersgate Day is celebrated on May 24 (or the Sunday closest) to commemorate the day in 1738 when John Wesley experienced assurance of his salvation. Wesley reluctantly attended a group meeting that evening on Aldersgate Street in London. As he heard…

Mother’s Day

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). When reading this verse, some people conjure up images of soldiers in a foxhole. A hero who jumps on a grenade to save his squad exemplifies the literal sense of this verse. To no lesser an extent, so…

Happy vs Holy?

“God wants me to be happy, right?” We’ve probably all heard this question asked. The assumed answer is “yes,” but in reality, it’s more complicated than that. God doesn’t want us to be unhappy, but our happiness is somewhat low on the list. What He wants is for us to be holy, meaning like Him…

Easter in our Daily Lives

Which is more important:  The resurrection of Jesus or the decisions of our political leaders? Another way to look at it is, Does it matter more to you that Jesus rose from the dead, or that we have an immigration policy in our country with which you agree? These should be very easy to answer,…

a painting of Rousseau

Wrong Turn at Rousseau

Most people in our society have certain beliefs that are simply absorbed without questioning. These beliefs didn’t arise out of thin air; they were written in previous decades or even hundreds of years ago by authors few of us have read. In particular, Jean-Jacques Rousseau has impacted 21st Century American thinking in vital and dangerous…

Lent at Epworth Chapel on the Green 2021

What is Lent? From Old English word “lengthen” which means “Spring” By 2nd century the word was used to describe a period of individual fasting, prayer, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter In the first 3 centuries, only catechumens (those being trained and instructed in the faith) observed this period, which lasted usually 2-3 days.…