A Christian Response to Being Woke

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA   Being “woke” is a popular concept that has come to stand for any number of generally politically progressive ideas. It’s origin, and core, however, have to do with racial justice. How should Christians react to the “woke” mantra?   The knee-jerk reaction for many may…

A Christian Response to War

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is on everyone’s mind these days. Opinions are a dime a dozen. But how should Christians respond to war? What can the Bible tell us? War, as state-sanctioned violence for specific purposes, has been viewed differently throughout Christian history. Pacifism has always been a strong tendency (“you shall not murder*”…

Suffering and Lent

“Lent, the liturgical year shows us, is about the holiness that suffering can bring. It is about bringing good where evil has been, about bringing love where hate has been. It is about the transformation of the base to the beautiful” (The Liturgical Year, 125). Let’s be honest—we aren’t fans of suffering. We prefer a…

Evangelising and Disciplemaking

To get stronger takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Improvement doesn’t happen overnight. There are a lot of similarities with growing in Christ. What is the hardest thing about being a Christian? In my experience, there are two answers, both equally difficult. The first is evangelizing, often called “witnessing”. The other is disciplining.…

The Magic of Christmas

Religious philosophy can lead one through logical deduction to the conclusion that belief in religion is the best choice. Along those lines, 17th century mathematician Blaise Pascal is best known today for what is called “Pascal’s wager”, where he argued that belief in God is logical because we have far more to gain by believing…

Thoughts from Pastor Timothy Keller

Pastor Timothy Keller is a leading example of how faithful Christians should stand apart from the world even as we seek to transform it for God’s kingdom. What follows are two short excerpts from his Facebook page that seem appropriate for believers, and bear repeating:   A Warning Against Online Mockery God sometimes mocks (Ps…

Why do priests wear different color vestments?

The following article was written by Philip Kosloski and published on https://aleteia.org on 17 December 2017: Each color has a unique meaning that points beyond itself. Throughout the Church’s liturgical year, priests wear several different color vestments. The colors are not arbitrary, but reflect a deeper meaning that is meant to point us to a…