What is Juneteenth, and Why Should Christians Care?

What is Juneteenth, and Why Should Christians Care? “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly”  -Jesus (John 10:10). President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on 1 January, 1863, which declared all slaves in Confederate States “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” It took two more years of fighting before…


Epworth Affiliated Epworth Chapel has officially affiliated with the Free Methodist Church. What does that mean? I’m glad you asked! First, a little history lesson. As originally conceived, Epworth was going to be a Nazarene church, but the District Superintendent at the time wasn’t interested in having a liturgical Nazarene church (now College Church, a…

Culture or Christianity?

I have often asked myself, where does my biblical worldview end and my culture begin? Am I guilty of reading into the biblical text ideas that are actually based in American culture or conservative politics? These questions are important to wrestle with for a few reasons. First, all who claim to follow Christ want to…

What is Holy Saturday and the Easter Vigil?

Holy Saturday, the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, stems from two distinct Christian doctrines that developed their own ways of celebrating this day. For some, Holy Saturday is the day on which Jesus “rested” from His redemptive work. As Jesus died on the cross, his cry of “It is finished”, signified the completion…


Lament is not a popular topic in the US, even among most Christians. It feels like when we are to proclaim the good news that Jesus has freed us from sin and death, there shouldn’t be any room for bad news. However, that is an overly simplistic theology. While we are living in the time…

The Allure of Liturgy for a New Generation

The following article appears on the website for the Diocese of the Carolinas of the Anglican Church in North America (https://adoc.church/the-allure-of-liturgy-for-a-new-generation-winfield-befins/). This article was written by Dr. Winfield Bevins, the new Director of Church Planting at Asbury Theological Seminary, and Canon for Church Planting for the Diocese of the Carolinas. The material below is from…

Women Disciples

The other day, one of my sons asked, “Why did Mary Magdalene follow Jesus, but she wasn’t one of the disciples?” He was referring to the depiction of Jesus and the disciples in The Chosen, where Mary and other women are very much part of the traveling group that served with Jesus, but she was…

Poverty & Crime

My congregation just completed another year’s involvement in the Angel Tree program, giving Christmas gifts to children of an incarcerated parent. In my several years of involvement with Angel Tree it seems that inmate families are almost always poor. That raises the question: Do they break the law because they are poor, or are they…

The Lord of History

The following article was written by Fr. Paul Scalia, published on November 27th, 2022 on the website www.thecatholicthing.org. The picture is Our Lord Jesus Christ by James Tissot, c. 1890 [Brooklyn Museum] The Lord of History Fr. Paul D. Scalia The so-called Respect for Marriage Act has pushed the issue of gay marriage back into…