Easter Answers

What does Easter mean? In most countries, the name for Easter is derived from the Aramaic word for Passover, because the Jewish Passover festival was celebrated at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In French it is Paques; in Spanish, Pascua, and in Italian, Pasqua. Though there are competing theories, it is now widely believed that the…

What Is Romans 7 Really About?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA   It is commonly accepted among biblical scholars that when Paul is bemoaning his internal struggle with sin in Romans chapter 7, he is actually taking on the voice of a character. He is not speaking as himself. This was a common rhetorical technique in the ancient…

Who was St. Valentine?

[The following article was taken from www.catholic.org/saints/] Saint Valentine, officially known as Saint Valentine of Rome, is a third-century Roman saint widely celebrated on February 14 and commonly associated with “courtly love.”   Although not much of St. Valentine’s life is reliably known, and whether or not the stories involve two different saints by the…

Banned: Christmas Celebrations

No, this isn’t some future dystopian headline; it’s actually a part of US history! This blog article is long overdue. Christmas Day may be over, but as we are still in the early days of the Christmas season, it is totally appropriate to have a Christmas article. Except that this isn’t an article. It’s a…

The War on Wisdom

Wisdom is one of the most highly sought out attributes in the ancient world. King Solomon was so famous for his wisdom that the Queen of Sheba visited him to see if the reports were true. The Proverbs is an entire book of the Bible dedicated to wise sayings. Many people throughout history have gone…

Israel or Palestine?

Who do you support in the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza? Misunderstanding and misinformation about this complicated subject abound. One’s position doesn’t necessarily align with the normal right-left dichotomy in US politics. If anything, the larger divide seems to be between the older generations who recognize the need for a Jewish…

Religion vs Politics

Many people think that if you believe a certain biblical truth, then that leads to a particular political belief. The fact is that is rarely true. That is why there are Christians with genuine faith who disagree on every political position under the sun. For example, the 10 Commandments say not to murder, and yet…

Gospel = Trouble + Grace

If you are like most Christians, you struggle with trouble. What do I mean? I mean someone tells you they just got diagnosed with cancer, or they lost their job, or any other significant unpleasantness. What do we so often turn to? Some Christian-sounding half-true bromide, like, “trust in Jesus and everything will work out.”…

Why The Bible Should Offend You

It is not uncommon to hear the complaint by non-Christians that the Bible is offensive. We who believe shouldn’t dismiss this. There are places in the Bible (mostly, but not exclusively in the Old Testament) where what appears to be held up as good offends modern sensibilities. Everything from sexism to slavery to genocide appears…

How to be Perfect

Jesus famously said, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). That’s a tall order! But it doesn’t mean “perfect” in the way we think of the word, to be without imperfections. It has more to do with fulfilling our purpose. And by looking at the wider context of this statement, it’s…