I lament that we fear those who look different from us.
I lament that African-American mothers fear for the safety of their children.
I lament the historic and pervasive mistreatment of people of color by the police.
I lament that we are here again.
I lament that we so completely fail to love our neighbors as ourselves.
I lament that police fear for their lives.
I lament that African-American men are assumed guilty.
I lament that if arrested, people of color are more likely to receive more severe punishments.
I lament that many business owners have lost property to looters.
I lament that some African-American leaders are so frustrated that they believe their voices will only be heard by breaking the law.
I lament the hesitancy of the Church to speak out.
I lament that society wouldn’t listen if we did.
I lament that we fail to see the image of God in one another.
I lament the yawning chasm between our national ideals and our daily lives.
I lament that even though this is not a political statement, many can’t help but see it that way.
I lament my own indifference.
I lament that so many don’t enjoy the privileges that I take for granted.
I lament that I don’t know how I can help make this better.
I lament that things will not get better on their own over time, but only if hearts and minds are transformed.