Scripture Lessons

February 23 – 7th Sunday After Epiphany: Genesis 45:1-11; Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38

March 2 – Transfiguration Sunday: Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99:5-9; 2 Peter 1:13-21; Luke 9:28-36

Prayer Emphases

Nation:  Bosnia & Herzegovina

Denomination: Open Bible Study Churches

Congregation: Grace Bible Church, Nampa, ID, and the Rev. Keith Waggoner

Ministry: Military Chaplains

Parishioners: Those living on Liberty Road


Every Sunday morning, Holy Communion is celebrated at 10:00. Epworth Chapel on the Green is a sacramental church, we keep the Eucharist central to all we do.

What does God want to say to you?

Through sacred worship, holy living, evangelism, discipleship and service we seek to enable all persons to reach their highest aspirations toward truth, beauty, and goodness.

Epworth Chapel offers a unique worship experience combining formative liturgy with Wesleyan doctrine. The congregation is led in active participation of prayers, singing of hymns, and partaking of holy communion.

Through worship, service, and community we are transformed by God’s redemptive power. At Epworth, we follow the Christian calendar as part of the rich Christian heritage and sacred rhythms guiding our daily life.

Children are welcome at our worship service and in our children’s worship program.  Epworth offers something for kids of all ages.

Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:00 a.m., followed by informal fellowship, discussion, and light refreshments. Visitors are always welcome! We hope to see you soon!

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